Friday, April 30, 2010

Why am I Angry?

A few months back during Chinese New Year, I met up with my cousin Richard who returned from Australia for the festive season. We were just talking about the CNY movies and reminiscing about CNY during our childhood whereby we spent most of our money on fireworks.

Anyway, our conversation drifted towards the state of the country, politically and socially. I said it was kinda frustrating to see politicians like Hee Yit Foong and gang realigning their allegiance with BN. As I was lamenting about the state assembly that followed he stopped me and asked: "But did you vote?"

That caught me by surprise and I proceed to protest: "But look at it now? Even if I voted, would it have made any difference? Politicians have no integrity nor honor...."

Again he interrupted: "But did you vote?"


R: "Well, so why are you complaining? You never exercised your right. When things don't go as you had hoped, you shouldn't be complaining. The way I look at it, you have 3 options:
  1. Shut the fuck up;
  2. Get the fuck out;
  3. Run for office;
 I picked No.2. That's why I'm in Australia."

I protested again, but I can't help but think he was right.

A few days after he had gone back to Australia, on a slow day at work, I went to the post office to register to vote.

So now I am angry AND I can vote. :)

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